IT Sicherheit – frischer Wind
IT security – a breath of fresh air
Sécurité informatique – un vent de fraîcheur
Seguridad informática – un soplo de aire fresco
Hacker sind kreativ und finden immer neue Wege in Unternehmen einzudringen. Um Angreifern weiterhin einen Schritt voraus zu sein, braucht es immer wieder neue Ideen.

KALWEIT ITS – Wir bringen frischen Wind.
Hackers are creative and always find new ways to penetrate companies. To stay one step ahead of attackers, new ideas are always needed.

KALWEIT ITS – We bring a breath of fresh air.
Les pirates informatiques sont créatifs et trouvent toujours de nouveaux moyens de s'introduire dans les entreprises. Pour garder une longueur d'avance sur les attaquants, il faut sans cesse de nouvelles idées.

KALWEIT ITS – Nous apportons un vent de fraîcheur.
Los hackers son creativos y siempre encuentran nuevas formas de penetrar en las empresas. Para estar un paso por delante de los atacantes, siempre se necesitan nuevas ideas.

KALWEIT ITS – Traemos un soplo de aire fresco.


Independent IT security from a single source.

Offensive IT audit

The supreme discipline

The supreme discipline of IT security: we find real vulnerabilities in your IT systems before real attackers can exploit them. We do this by acting like potential attackers.

As one of the market-leading consulting boutiques specializing in manual penetration testing, we are also really good at it.


As part of our consulting services, we eliminate technical weaknesses, develop IT security strategies and concepts and support your IT department in specific areas where help is needed. We are independent and highly specialized IT security consultants.

Cyber Resilience

Do you need an external IT security officer, would you like to simulate a real IT security incident and check how well prepared you are as an organization, or do you urgently need support because your company is threatened by a successful hacker attack? We are here for you.

Seminars & Lectures

As genuine ethical hackers, we provide authentic first-hand reports on current attack trends and talk from the horse’s mouth – making real awareness-raising entertaining and exciting.