IT Sicherheit – frischer Wind
IT security – a breath of fresh air
Sécurité informatique – un vent de fraîcheur
Seguridad informática – un soplo de aire fresco
Hacker sind kreativ und finden immer neue Wege in Unternehmen einzudringen. Um Angreifern weiterhin einen Schritt voraus zu sein, braucht es immer wieder neue Ideen.

KALWEIT ITS – Wir bringen frischen Wind.
Hackers are creative and always find new ways to penetrate companies. To stay one step ahead of attackers, new ideas are always needed.

KALWEIT ITS – We bring a breath of fresh air.
Les pirates informatiques sont créatifs et trouvent toujours de nouveaux moyens de s'introduire dans les entreprises. Pour garder une longueur d'avance sur les attaquants, il faut sans cesse de nouvelles idées.

KALWEIT ITS – Nous apportons un vent de fraîcheur.
Los hackers son creativos y siempre encuentran nuevas formas de penetrar en las empresas. Para estar un paso por delante de los atacantes, siempre se necesitan nuevas ideas.

KALWEIT ITS – Traemos un soplo de aire fresco.


Since our founding in 2017, we have strived to create a place for people that brings real value. A place where people can freely live out their passion for IT security, create added value for society. A place that is not exclusively about sales, but also about the individual.

But safety has an even higher priority for us. That is why we are committed to the following areas:



Independent statistics clearly show: Globally, the general standard of living has improved considerably in recent decades. Prosperity is higher than ever. But in many parts of our planet, an existential desire persists: a life without hunger.

As a sponsorship partner of Deutsche Welthungerhilfe, we have been supporting the non-profit organization with a small donation every month since 2021, thus making a contribution to a fairer world.

Pro Bono Projects

Each year we accept a small number of pro bono projects whose goal is to strengthen IT security in non-profit organizations. We provide support free of charge or at a greatly reduced fee.

Our pro bono activities exclusively support non-profit organizations in the fields of education, health, culture, environment, human rights or humanitarian aid. Feel free to write us if you are interested in cooperation.

Ethical banking

Since 2021, we have maintained a business account with an ethical banking institution in addition to our business relationship with our principal bank. It is committed to ethical banking, in particular excluding speculation with foodstuffs as well as violations of human rights through the bank’s activities.

The banking institution is also committed to the environment and operates transparently.